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Sidemount Workshop

Achieving proper Sidemount diving technique is a meticulous process that cannot be effectively learned through videos or taking a - typically oversimplified recreational course. As sidemount diving gaining its popularity over the years, it’s getting increasingly common to encounter divers underwater with dangling cylinders, and wrong harness configurations that not just pose a massive safety risk but also limit the overall joy factor’ of the diver.


To address the above, we designed a unique Sidemount Workshop that helps you to get the most out of your sidemount diving experience by teaching you the tricks in a form of a private session. Each session includes land training that incorporate equipment streamlining, entry/exit techniques, refinement of your propulsion and weighting as well as an actual dive where you can put all this into practice. 


You either have a specific issue you would like to work out or need a refresher, we offer the following areas to cover during a session:


  • Fundamental sidemount skills

  • Equipment configuration/streamlining

  • Propulsion techniques

  • Diver’s weighting/trim 

  • Proper safety drills

  • Entry/Exit techniques

  • Rescue techniques


All our sessions are recorded and analysed with your instructor after the dive, in an attempt to maximize your learning curve.

Why Sidemount with Us?

At FlowState Divers we are dedicated to the art of sidemount diving done "properly", which requires more than just attaching the tanks to one's side. We possess a deep understanding of this technique and have extensive experience diving exclusively on this setup, in caves and other environments. Our proficiency and experience is unmatched on the island of Tenerife in terms of diving sidemount.

We encourage you to use your own harness during the workshop so we can help you configure it correctly if needed. In case, you are unhappy with what you currently own, we have a selection of gear you can try out for no additional cost. Everything else you might need for the dive will be provided during this workshop.







Program Summary

• Fully personalised, private training

• Approx. 110 minutes in-water

• Approx. 6 hours of activity / day


Master Series

Introducing our Master Series on YouTube, a comprehensive collection of videos meticulously crafted to empower divers with the tools and knowledge they need to enhance their underwater skills. Whether you're an aspiring diver or a seasoned enthusiast, our Master Series is your gateway to honing your abilities beneath the surface. 




a sidemount diver riding a DPV in the atlantic ocean somewhere in Tenerife
a flowstate instructor demonstrating perfect buoyancy in the waters of Tenerife
two scuba divers cruising underwater in the Atlantic Ocean in Tenerife
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